Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Winter Walk

Snow is a rare thing here in our little valley. We would be remiss to not venture out and enjoy all that she has to offer. With mittened hands grasping cameras we set off to explore the woods near our home deep in Winter's grasp. All of the pictures (with the exception of the ones I took of the kids) were taken by my nine and seven year old. It fascinates me to see the world through their vantage point.

This is the path from our house to my parent's home next door, all made by little feet. I loved the circular route. It speaks volumes of how children journey through life.

A pine cone nestled in the snow.

A neighbor's barn.

A quaint birdhouse.

A portrait of mom.

Journeying into the small wood.

I didn't even see this little habitat when as I walked along! What a nice little home for mouse, mole, or rabbit. Although I'd rather like to think of a large gnome family living here!

This I didn't notice right away either. My son spotted it first and did an amazing job of capturing the futility of winter.

The clearing coming out of the wood.

Let's stop and make snow angels. Notice my son has brought home a treasure (beside him in the pic) someone long ago abandoned in the wood.

Now that is beautiful.

His view of his treasure... some sort of metal box.

And my perspective as they journey home...

So grateful for these moments.


Betsy said...

Something I also loved about my childhood was roaming around in the yard, the woods behind the house, and in the neighborhood. I remember walking by myself to the next subdivision over when I was a little kid (8 or 9) to go to a friends. I'm sure we called my mom when I got there... but times sure have changed! That was a great idea to let your kids take the adventure and to just supervise.

martha miller said...

looks familiar - we're quite snowbound here in maine!

thanks for following my blog!

ajnabi said...

I actually went and got my kids mittens for the first time this week--first time during this winter, I mean. I can't believe it's still this cold, usually by February I can sense spring around the corner!

Kimmy said...

thank you for your kind comment...

that snow looks amazing... we do not get snow like that where I live! Lovely photos... ~ kim

Creative Life Studio said...

Wonderful photos that tell such a nice story. I love the foot path tracks in the snow too. :)

And that last photo of the tall, tall tree is just gorgeous. Your children did a terrific job!