Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Give, release, and breathe

It's that time of year again. The time when the holidays have left us, and a new year has begun. This is the perfect time to clean out your closet or other areas in your home that may be a wee bit cluttered. I like to clean out my closet about two times a year. The general rule I use is: if I haven't worn it in 6 months give it away. Sometimes I make exceptions for classics or sentimental favorites...but otherwise it goes on to someone else who might actually use it! The six month rule works for me because a) I don't have so many clothes in the first place and b)I keep only the current season clothes in my closet. I've been working on it some this afternoon, actually cleaned out my dresser as well, and so far I have two bags of items to donate. Now I can breathe and release. Let's exhale together, shall we?

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