Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My new favorite thing...

My hubby gave me the most wonderful present for our anniversary this year. I am now the proud owner of a pair of wrap boots from TOMS shoes. Are you familiar with TOMS shoes? They are a casual, earth friendly shoe and for every shoe you purchase, TOMS gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. Read more about TOMS here. They also come in other colors like the sassy red pair, pictured above. Here I am sporting my new pair of shoes.

As you can probably tell by the name, these boots actually wrap around the leg. That way they fit each person perfectly...which for me is a plus since as you can see, I have scrawny little legs. Plus they are super comfy. I love, love, love mine! And I love that someone else who REALLY needs a pair of shoes now has a pair. You can't go wrong with TOMS.

This is a really great blog about a trip TOM's volunteers took to give out shoes to children. The pictures alone are priceless! So what are you waiting for? Order some TOM shoes today! And if you live in our area stop by Bettyejanes and check out the TOMS shoes there!

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